Multi-colored Buttons - Ognjen - Duke University

Ognjen or Oggy is an exchange student from Bosnia and Herzegovina. What I noticed when meeting him for the first time was his style and confidence. It seems that a lot of guys in the U.S. have yet to feel comfortable with the newest trends that hover on the slimmer and snugger side of fit, however for Oggy, myself or most European guys it's nothing out of the ordinary.

White/Cream Hi-Tops, Slim Black Jeans and a Blue T-Shirt

White/Cream Hi-Tops, Slim Black Jeans and a Blue T-Shirt
White/Cream Hi-Tops, Slim Black Jeans and a Blue T-Shirt to add colour to the outfit (the multi-coloured buttons are our personal favourites)

Posted on September 22, 2010 and filed under "Duke", "NC", "guys".