Posts filed under "UIndiana"

Indiana has style too! - Jamie Yan

We'd like to welcome Jamie Yan of Street Style Indy to Campus Sartorialist! Jamie will be covering some of the major universities in Indiana, like Butler, Purdue, University of Indiana and IUPUI, so keep an eye out for her photos if you're keen on seeing some great campus style from the crossroads of America!
Jamie Yan is your typical girl next door who loves dogs, music, art & fashion among other things. After searching for a creative outlet, she choose to get into street style photography because of its diverse nature. If the unique styles from the individuals that she profiles can inspire or influence someone else to develop their own fashion sense, then Jamie's mission is accomplished.
Posted on March 15, 2013 and filed under "Butler", "IN", "IUPUI", "Purdue", "UIndiana", "girls".